Project Description

CLIENT – Home Owner, General Contractor

Design Intent – A maintenance free landscape.

Project Objective – Develop a clean, open yard that requires little to no maintenance. Unify the yard by integrating the pool and Jacuzzi space with the remainder of the yard, currently left as undisturbed desert. The objective is a refined landscape suitable for entertaining.

Design Process – Identify harmonious elements and remove dissimilar items within the, currently, unrelated yard areas. By removing the fence that dissects the two yards, we eliminate the physical barrier between the clean, tended pool yard and the unrefined desert yard. Additional integration occurs by selectively removing undesirable vegetation; Cholla, Bursage, and Prickly Pear. With the understory cleared an Acacia tree and rock outcropping are uncovered. The Acacia tree compliments the existing Saguaro, Barrel and Yucca planted within the pool yard. Eliminate existing turf.

Results – An open yard results with the security fence removed and common landscape features emphasized. The Acacia is transformed into a sculptural, design element with just a little pruning. The rock out-cropping compliments existing boulders set at spa steps. Unnecessary turf is replaced with a hard-surface patio to provide ample entertaining space. The new, refined patio is accented with native, or near native, non-spiny plants requiring minimal care and upkeep.